Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Bilingual Storytime: Colors

Welcome Song:
Buenas tardes, ¿cómo estás?
Hoy por la tarde
vamos juntos a jugar,
¿tú cómo te llamas?

*Based off this video*

Hello Song:
Buenas tardes, ¿Cómo estás?
How are you? How are you?
Buenas tardes, ¿Cómo estás?
How are you?

(Tune: London Bridge)

Bilingual Finger Play: 
Araña pequeñita/Itsy-Bitsy Spider

Bilingual Finger Play: 
Diez Deditios/ 10 Little Fingers

First Book:
Brown Bear, Brown Bear/ 

Oso pardo, oso pardo, ¿qué ves ahí? 

 by Bill Martin

Red is rojo
Green is verde
Blue azul
Negro black
Yellow amarillo
Purple is morado
Grey is gris 
Brown café
(Tune: Are you sleeping?)
Flannel Game:
Veo, veo! “I see, I see”
Group: Qué ves? “What do you see?”
Presenter: Una cosa “a thing”
Group: Qué cosa es? “What thing is it?”
Presenter: Una cosa de color _______. “Something the color _____

We played this game with a Brown Bear, Brown Bear Flannel set. When we called out the color of an animal, the child put it up on the flannel. Any sort of different colored flannels would work.
Second Book:Mouse Paint/Pintura de raton
Parachute Time:Introduce up and down vocab:
Arriba- UpAbajo- Down
We played this song while we moved the parachute.

Goodbye Song:
Adios, Adios, Adios means goodbye.
Adios, adios,
We’ll see you next time!
(Tune to Clementine)