Friday, April 3, 2020

Flannel Story: Chocolate Chip Ghost

Once upon a time there were 5 little, friendly ghosts. One day their
mommy needed to go to the store to buy milk. She told her
ghost children not to eat or drink anything until she came back home.

The first little ghost was hungry and decided to taste a small bite of a
carrot. Guess what happened? He turned into an orange ghost.

The second little ghost just wanted to nibble on a strawberry. Guess what? This little ghost turned red.

The third little ghost was also getting hungry and decided to snack on
a pickle. Guess what? This ghost turned completely green.

The fourth little ghost took a tiny sip of some grape juice. I bet you
know what happened. Yes! The ghost turned purple.

The fifth little ghost saw what happened to his brothers and sisters. He
looked into the freezer and found some chocolate chip ice cream. He only wanted a tiny spoonful and guess what?
In the afternoon their mommy came home from the store. The mommy ghost could not believe her eyes! How am I going to get you white in time for Halloween? She called the ghost doctor. The doctor told her to put her little ghosts to bed an feed them ONLY white foods.

Finally, the ghost children were happy and they were all white again.

Now they are ready for Halloween night.

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